29 December, 2011

A Shakespeare Story: The Tempest

Retold by Andrew Matthews and Tony Ross


Dear Prospero,

     Hello, I am Timothy who has just read the Shakespearean story, the Tempest.  It was about you who to fix wrong into right.

     When I first meet you you seem to be an evil magician because of you using magic to raise a storm and wreck a ship. You also enslaved the spirit, Ariel and the monster, Caliban.

     Gradually, I learnt that you do not seek for revenge but justice.  You used love to put right the great wrong that was done before by your brother and old enemy.

     It’s also great for you to free Ariel and Caliban, destroy the magician staff and the books of magic and rule Milan again with your brother who had overthrown you before.  You are a kind, generous and mighty man after all.

Yours sincerely,


21 December, 2011


書名;一雙溫暖的手 ---- 德蘭修女






21 November, 2011

Roald Dahl: The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me



     Billy made friends with the Giraffe, the Peel and the monkey of the Ladderless Window Cleaning Company.  He was surprised

     With his marvellous friends, he hand an adventure in the Duke’s palace.  They did a great job for him and saved the say. He felt excited.

     For the award, Billy finally owned a thrilling sweet shop.  It was his big dream and he became famous.  Billy was happy.

14 November, 2011


書名;南丁格爾 -- 戰火中的護理先鋒





南丁格爾生於非常富有的上層社會家庭,受到父親悉心裁培,精通多國語文、哲學、歷史、數學。十七歲起下定決心要從事護理工作 ---- 一項被當時人視為低下卑微、不受尊重的工作。南丁格爾的父母強烈反對她做護士,勸她嫁給上流社會的富家子弟,享受舒適的生活。可是,她當護士的決心從未動搖。在這兩個例子可以知道南丁格爾很勇敢、有決心和對自己有信心。

02 October, 2011

The Shakespeare Collection: Macbeth

Retold by Anthony Masters; Illustrated by Stephen Player

Background of the Story
Event 1: After fighting a war, the two Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo met three witches who soothsaid that Macbeth would be King of Scotland in future.
Event 2: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth murdered the King of Scotland.  Macbeth was made the king.
Event 3: Macbeth wanted to secure his throne, so he killed Banquo and Macduff’s wife.
Event 4: Macdull and Malcolm sought revenge and killed Macbeth in a war. Malcolm became King of Scotland.

Hero: Macduff
Heroine: No
Villian: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth
Other Characters: the three witches, Duncan, Donalbain, Malcolm, Banquo, Ross

When: The story took place a long time ago when Scotland was ruled by a king.
Where:  Scotland

The story is about ambition. Ambition is natural.  It can be good or bad. If one is too ambitious, it may be bad.  If being too ambitious is added with a bad method, it will be very disastrous.

. But if one is too ambitious, or one uses wrong ways to achieve the ambition, it can be very bad.

07 September, 2011

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

Background of the Story Plot
Event 1: Five main characters are having a conversation.  The time traveller told them about his time machine.
Event 2: The time traveller travelled into futurity where he saw the human beings in future and explored the place.
Event 3: He came across the Morlocks and had a fight with them.
Event 4: He travelled further into the futurity and saw the end of the world.

Hero: The time traveller
Heroine: Weena
Villian: The Morlocks

Other Characters: His four friends

When: I think maybe the story took place some 100 years ago.  Also, the place which the time travelled to was 800 thousand years into future.
Where: It happened in one of the European countries because of the ways the characters dressed and appeared in the illustrations. 

The story’s theme is time travelling and the future of the earth.