07 September, 2011

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

Background of the Story Plot
Event 1: Five main characters are having a conversation.  The time traveller told them about his time machine.
Event 2: The time traveller travelled into futurity where he saw the human beings in future and explored the place.
Event 3: He came across the Morlocks and had a fight with them.
Event 4: He travelled further into the futurity and saw the end of the world.

Hero: The time traveller
Heroine: Weena
Villian: The Morlocks

Other Characters: His four friends

When: I think maybe the story took place some 100 years ago.  Also, the place which the time travelled to was 800 thousand years into future.
Where: It happened in one of the European countries because of the ways the characters dressed and appeared in the illustrations. 

The story’s theme is time travelling and the future of the earth.

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